Replace Playground Surfaces, JBLM, WA
Completion Date
Replace failed or failing rubberized pour-in-place and 24” x 24” rubber tile surfaced at five play areas at various locations around Joint Base Lewis McChord. Playground existing surfaces were demolished and replaced with synthetic grass system with impact attenuation underlayment. Special attention was given to phasing and maintain access to some areas to continue to allow access as well as isolation of the work areas for children safety.

Repair AHUs - Building 03096, JBLM, WA
Completion Date
Provided Administrative Building 03096 with a new HVAC heating system consisting of three air-to-air heat pumps and eight variable air volume (VAV) terminal units with electric heat. With a few exceptions, the new equipment and ductwork utilized existing equipment locations and ductwork routing. The new Direct Digital Controls (DDC) were integrated into JBLM’s base-wide DDC system. A phased approach was used to support continuous building use throughout the construction.

Repair Fender Guide Assemblies Pier 37, Seattle, WA
Completion Date
Refurbish Fender Guide Assemblies included removal; disassembly; cleaning, repair, and preparation; recoating; reassembly; and reinstallation of 15 fender guide assemblies at Pier 37. This included the complete replacement of all 30 corrosion damaged fender guide pipes on the 15 assemblies and providing new hardware. Project also replaced the existing 5-foot diameter floating fenders with new 8-foot diameter floating fenders along with providing new associated hardware. Dive work was conducted on Pier 36A to install new exothermically welded cathodic protection on and additional 8 fender guides.

Repairs of BUMED Facilities, B993
Completion Date
Design-build repairs at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island Hospital including: Provision of a new sloped roof structural attic truss over the existing roof of the "Duct House" sheltering multiple electrical conduits. Replace existing roof at the Hospital’s Emergency Management, Linen Inventory, and Mail Room areas. Restore loading dock and construct a ramp providing a warehouse receiving area and emergency egress. Provide three supplemental cooling only units.

Repair HVAC Periscope Shop
Completion Date
HVAC system upgrade to meet clean room standards. Scope included selective demolition of existing system; installation of new hot/chilled water generating equipment; air distribution ductwork; control systems; equipment support; electrical power and lighting; installation of a new splined panel ceiling and wall repairs; fire protection system revisions; and commissioning.

Repair Boiler Feedwater System
Completion Date
Phased replacement of three existing boiler feedwater pumps with 4-stage, horizontal, specialty pumps; provision of one spare pump; installation of 300 LF of new, seismically-restrained and insulated 8"Ø ductile iron pipe main and reconfigured header pipe main manifold; variable frequency drives and controls; and flow meters.

Completion Date
Construction of a 12,000 SF Medical Intensive Care/Critical Care Unit in a vacated hospital wing. Facility consisted of 14 patient rooms, 4 isolation rooms, nursing stations, staff conference/break room, administrative offices, and support spaces. Improvements included new mechanical, medical gas, and electrical systems; interior partitions and finishes; service headwalls and booms; and patient lift systems.

B2050 Medical/Dental Clinic Renovation
Completion Date
31,750 SF renovation and 3,500 SF addition to a fully operational Medical/Dental clinic. Scope included total HVAC system replacement, repartitioning, interior finishes, and electrical improvements. Concrete and steel addition provided space for administrative offices and medical exam rooms. Extensive phasing and provision of temporary facilities to accommodate ongoing clinic operations.

Bldg 13 Energy Upgrades
Completion Date
Replaced a legacy chiller unit with a new 200-ton, oil-free frictionless magnetic bearing air-cooled centrifugal water chiller. Coordinated replacement to support the ongoing operations of the research faclities served by the chiller. Scope included piping reconfiguration, integration into the existing DDC system and sequence of operations, and miscellaneous interior improvements to support the work.

Backflow Prevention for Building Isolation
Completion Date
Replaced existing domestic water backflow assemblies at the Veterans Administration Puget Sound Health Care System in Seattle with reduced pressure backflow assemblies at two connections to the supply loop. Design changed the existing below grade backflow assemblies with above grade replacements in insulated enclosures.

Repair CIF Ventilation System, B983, PSNS
Completion Date
Controlled Industrial Facility (CIF) Building 983 demolition of existing structures on the roof including asbestos and hazardous metals remediation. Installation of a new HVAC system including Stainless Steel ductwork and new air handling units, chillers and exhaust fans. A new raised metal structure platform with a protected roof was installed to house all of the HVAC components with the exception of the chillers.

B460 Repair Large Slab Rolling Doors
Completion Date
This project restored operation of four 60-foot tall large slab rolling doors at the west end of Building 460 in the Controlled Industrial Area (CIA) of the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Restoring operation to the doors involved retrofitting/restoring the gearboxes; replacing motors, control equipment, and electrical wiring; and providing new enclosures and appurtenances. Audible and visual signaling systems, limit switches and interlocks were installed to facilitate the safe operation of the doors. Deteriorating door panels were restored and painted inside and out. Broken glass panes were replaced. Replacement of aesthetic features adhered to historical restoration requirements.

Replace Boilers 1 & 2 at Steam Plant
Completion Date
Design-Build Replace Boilers 1 and 2 at the Steam Plant, B384 included the design of a new steam system, demolition and removal of two of three 45,000 pounds per hour (pph) (1300 boiler horse power (BHP)) water tube boilers in the central heating plant and installation of two new 20,700 pph (600 BHP) fire tube boilers. Steam service was maintained by the third existing boiler while replacement work was completed. Boiler replacement scope involved structural upgrade of the existing raised concrete floor slab, reconnection of all services, including feedwater, vent piping, fuel piping, and instrumentation.

Replace 2300 Volt Substations
Completion Date
Provided upgraded electrical inftrastructure to replace three substations at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Provided new transformers, underground electrical distribution, circuit breakers, feeder lines, commissioning of all new equipment items, and associated substation building improvements. Coordinated outages and cut-overs to and from temporary power to facilitate base operations.

Electrical Distribution NHB
Completion Date
Upgrade and replacement of critical electrical infrastructure and life safety system elements including new ATS for existing diesel engine emergency generators; UPS system upgrade for phone and information management systems; electrical load redistribution; critical branch circuit installation; Motor Control Center replacement; PA system upgrade; and FA, exit signage, and emergency pathway lighting upgrades.
Security Alarm Upgrade
Completion Date
Design-build upgrade replacement and integration of legacy Access Control Systems (ACS) and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) throughout Naval Base Kitsap, Bangor and Bremerton. Scope encompassed networking new ACS and IDS in over 100 different facilities serving over 150 different commands and using the Navy's secure network to connect signals to the Regional Dispatch Center.

Replace Freight Elevator
Completion Date
Replaced the existing S-1 freight elevator with a new gearless traction freight elevator complete with modernized safety features and microprocessor controllers. Performed a structural study to assess the existing floor loading capacity in support of the decommissioning and removal of the legacy elevator's hoist and governor assembly, which weighed in excess of one ton.

Repair Roof VA Puget Sound Healthcare System
Completion Date
Repair existing roofs on multiple Veterans Administration Health Care buildings at the Seattle campus. Work included demolition and removal of existing roofing, structures and temporarily utility, exhaust fan and other mechanical equipment disconnects and repairing the roofs per the Green Environmental Management System (GEMS). New roofing systems including insulation was installed on flat roofs. The buildings were occupied which required coordination with building managers and attention to noise levels and odor issues due to proximity to air intakes. Enhanced security requirements and coordination were required for access to restricted areas.

Dry Dock 4 - Repair Main Dewatering Pumps and Valves
Completion Date
Overhaul three main dewatering pumps and motors, as well as replacing check and discharge valves, and motor controllers which service Dry Dock 4. Repair/overhaul and restore pumps and motor, included tear down of each system, installing new bearings, impeller and rewind of the motors to achieve sustainable operating conditions allowing continued support of docking activities.

Environmental Monitoring and Control Upgrade VA Puget Sound
Completion Date
Project scope involved upgrading the environmental monitoring systems at an operational animal research laboratory at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System’s Columbian Way Campus. Continuous coordination and communication with research staff ensured minimal disruption to laboratory operations. Advance Lighting Modules and temperature/humidity sensors were replaced in 28 different rooms located in three different buildings. System operation was maintained using the legacy control panel until all ALMs and sensors were installed. A new control panel replaced the legacy control panel and provided enhanced reliability and functionality.

Replace Fire Alarm Systems B7000 & B7001 at NBK Bangor
Completion Date
Design-build fire alarm replacement of obsolete fire alarm systems in two industrial manufacturing facilities located in lower base (i.e., higher level security) at NBK Bangor. Designed and installed temporary fire alarm systems to enable disabling the existing systems in their entirety. Coordinated construction with various commands within each facility.

Replace HVAC System NHB
Completion Date
Code-required modification and replacement of 8 air handling units (AHUs), 15 fans, 8 variable air volume (VAV) boxes, and 16 pumps on HVAC systems serving patient care areas and the emergency department. Extensive phasing, infection control, and outage coordination was required to maintain hospital operations.

Energy Conservation, Phase 3
Completion Date
Design-build energy conservation project consisting of a combination of lighting and lighting control strategies; HVAC optimization via use of VFDs and controls; water conservation measures; point-of-use hot water heating; thermal envelope upgrades; weatherization improvements; and infra-red heating in 36 different buildings.
MLA Backlighting
Completion Date
Design-build replacement of an obsolete quartz halogen backlighting system with a new, energy-efficient LED system for the high-security Main Limited Area (MLA). Design work included engineering and photometrics. Provided new electrical infrastructure to support the four mile perimeter protection system. Phased construction to maintain perimeter protection throughout construction.

Replace Steamlines
Completion Date
Phase II of a campus-wide conversion from centralized steam to building-specific, natural gas powered heat exchangers for hot water and heat generation. This phase involved decommissioning portions of the legacy high-pressure steam system and installating new, gas powered equipment for B6 and B61 and integration into the campus energy management control system.